Safety-in-production Solutions

Move after-event verification forward to pre-event prevention and mid-event warning to empower enterprises with more safety-in-production


Safety-in-production solution is an everlasting concern for tech-intensive and high-risk sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and energy. Prevention of major accidents and reduction of risks at the root always remain the top priority in all safety-in-production scenarios. 

Sectors such as chemical engineering and dangerous chemicals, fireworks and firecrackers, manufacturing and mining, railways, ports, and construction sites are prone to major risks in production. To help these sectors, Thundercomm provides them with an intelligent solution for safety-in-production, integrated with algorithms and computing power, to monitor and give early warnings. The solution uses edge computing and AI video analysis to monitor employee and visitor behaviors, dresses, environments, and equipment status. Such monitoring can then be analyzed to warn of risks in production. This method represents an upgrade from the “after-the-event” tracking of responsibilities to “before-the-event” warning and “in-the-event” alarms. The solution strengthens risk control in safe production and empowers traditional enterprises to quickly upgrade to digital and intelligent monitoring of safety-in-production.



Algorithm optimized for each industry’s scenarios with high accuracy and low under-reporting rate


Intelligent monitoring and real-time warning for effective closed-loop detection


Video analysis and alarm data visualizing for straightforward presentation


Integration with various video streaming protocols so the existing equipment can be used to lower the cost of upgrading


Standard API interface for easy integration with third-party platforms


Thundercomm provides an integrated safety-in-production solution (algorithm+computing power+platform). On device side field data is collected by video monitoring and sensor devices. Then edge box performs real-time analysis. The cloud centrally manages equipment, AI algorithm, early warning, monitoring, and visualization.

Safety-in-production scenario algorithms

  • Smoke and flame detection
  • Safety helmet, reflective clothing, uniform detection
  • Intrusion detection
  • Unauthorized leave detection
  • Off-duty and sleep detection
  • Smoking detection
  • Phone call detection
  • Fall detection
  • Number of operators monitoring

Application Scenarios

Construction site

Oil field

Industrial Park


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Safety-in-production Solutions

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